Spectra | Spectrum Type | Description | Splash Key | View |
GC-MS | GC-MS Spectrum - GC-EI-TOF (Pegasus III TOF-MS system, Leco; GC 6890, Agilent Technologies) (3 TMS) | splash10-000t-0940000000-142d6f5fc2efbf0d5109 | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | GC-MS | GC-MS Spectrum - GC-EI-TOF (Pegasus III TOF-MS system, Leco; GC 6890, Agilent Technologies) (3 TMS) | splash10-0002-0920000000-505483ce10ee3c4c9d20 | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | GC-MS | GC-MS Spectrum - GC-EI-TOF (Pegasus III TOF-MS system, Leco; GC 6890, Agilent Technologies) (3 TMS) | splash10-00di-9710000000-8f263d045d715ae9fe2b | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | GC-MS | GC-MS Spectrum - GC-EI-TOF (Non-derivatized) | splash10-000t-0940000000-142d6f5fc2efbf0d5109 | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | GC-MS | GC-MS Spectrum - GC-EI-TOF (Non-derivatized) | splash10-0002-0920000000-505483ce10ee3c4c9d20 | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | GC-MS | GC-MS Spectrum - GC-EI-TOF (Non-derivatized) | splash10-00di-9710000000-8f263d045d715ae9fe2b | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | GC-MS | GC-MS Spectrum - GC-EI-TOF (Non-derivatized) | splash10-0002-0910000000-fadd80af55894555ea72 | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | Predicted GC-MS | Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - GC-MS (Non-derivatized) - 70eV, Positive | splash10-0006-9100000000-aba7652c885a434930ef | JSpectraViewer | Predicted GC-MS | Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - GC-MS (3 TMS) - 70eV, Positive | splash10-02j9-7191000000-b78c78194b39deee0ca4 | JSpectraViewer | Predicted GC-MS | Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - GC-MS (Non-derivatized) - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | Predicted GC-MS | Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - GC-MS (TMS_1_1) - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | Predicted GC-MS | Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - GC-MS (TMS_1_2) - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | Predicted GC-MS | Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - GC-MS (TMS_1_3) - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | Predicted GC-MS | Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - GC-MS (TMS_2_1) - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | Predicted GC-MS | Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - GC-MS (TMS_2_2) - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | Predicted GC-MS | Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - GC-MS (TMS_2_3) - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | Predicted GC-MS | Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - GC-MS (TBDMS_1_1) - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | Predicted GC-MS | Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - GC-MS (TBDMS_1_2) - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | Predicted GC-MS | Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - GC-MS (TBDMS_1_3) - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | Predicted GC-MS | Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - GC-MS (TBDMS_2_1) - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | Predicted GC-MS | Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - GC-MS (TBDMS_2_2) - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | Predicted GC-MS | Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - GC-MS (TBDMS_2_3) - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | Predicted GC-MS | Predicted GC-MS Spectrum - GC-MS (TBDMS_3_1) - 70eV, Positive | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | LC-MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - Quattro_QQQ 10V, Positive (Annotated) | splash10-000i-9300000000-acd7d0159b8bb70b80fd | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | LC-MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - Quattro_QQQ 25V, Positive (Annotated) | splash10-0096-9000000000-7359292556d9d393d8f4 | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | LC-MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - Quattro_QQQ 40V, Positive (Annotated) | splash10-0097-9000000000-a111335688b3219c1fc1 | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | LC-MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-ITFT (LTQ Orbitrap XL, Thermo Scientfic) , Negative | splash10-00lr-0942120000-9504700a82dcf5dc3adb | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | LC-MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-ITFT (LTQ Orbitrap XL, Thermo Scientfic) , Negative | splash10-0a4i-0900000000-45e58d8a75d957cc5c41 | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | LC-MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-ITFT (LTQ Orbitrap XL, Thermo Scientfic) , Negative | splash10-03di-0900000000-4ec56105367de7bf0027 | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | LC-MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QQ (API3000, Applied Biosystems) 10V, Negative | splash10-001i-0900000000-1decf12f117200e0f28d | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | LC-MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QQ (API3000, Applied Biosystems) 20V, Negative | splash10-03di-4900000000-86fd329658581c81c0ec | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | LC-MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QQ (API3000, Applied Biosystems) 30V, Negative | splash10-00di-9100000000-82ffef2aa053f77cdbc5 | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | LC-MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QQ (API3000, Applied Biosystems) 40V, Negative | splash10-00di-9000000000-424bd54bc81a9db65a55 | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | LC-MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QQ (API3000, Applied Biosystems) 50V, Negative | splash10-0006-9000000000-a916941735427ee3c48d | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | LC-MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QQ , negative | splash10-001i-0900000000-1decf12f117200e0f28d | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | LC-MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QQ , negative | splash10-03di-4900000000-86fd329658581c81c0ec | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | LC-MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QQ , negative | splash10-00di-9100000000-82ffef2aa053f77cdbc5 | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | LC-MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QQ , negative | splash10-00di-9000000000-424bd54bc81a9db65a55 | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | LC-MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-QQ , negative | splash10-0006-9000000000-a916941735427ee3c48d | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | LC-MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - LC-ESI-ITFT , negative | splash10-03di-0900000000-afdfdad3edeeb90cb3e4 | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | LC-MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - , negative | splash10-01b9-4900000000-01b3a756de8f5a3ae6de | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | LC-MS/MS | LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 35V, Negative | splash10-01b9-4900000000-5fc3f0befc374a6fcdd6 | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | Predicted LC-MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Positive | splash10-00kr-7900000000-2a07c36db6acea9015af | JSpectraViewer | Predicted LC-MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Positive | splash10-00rj-9200000000-316c7803efd1dfb76523 | JSpectraViewer | Predicted LC-MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Positive | splash10-00dl-9000000000-a442bcaaacb6f4eec14d | JSpectraViewer | Predicted LC-MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 10V, Negative | splash10-001r-9800000000-03bfaee5de56f72ed927 | JSpectraViewer | Predicted LC-MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 20V, Negative | splash10-0079-9200000000-26a075efe73adc63a189 | JSpectraViewer | Predicted LC-MS/MS | Predicted LC-MS/MS Spectrum - 40V, Negative | splash10-059f-9000000000-a3281a79477ac14e2eae | JSpectraViewer | MS | Mass Spectrum (Electron Ionization) | splash10-0076-9000000000-ad60ea592282d09e4bd8 | JSpectraViewer | MoNA | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | 1D NMR | 1H NMR Spectrum | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | 1D NMR | 13C NMR Spectrum | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | 2D NMR | [1H,1H] 2D NMR Spectrum | Not Available | JSpectraViewer | 2D NMR | [1H,13C] 2D NMR Spectrum | Not Available | JSpectraViewer |
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